Thursday, 18 April 2013
Evaluation 4 FINAL
Question 4.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
My magazine audience would aim mainly at gig goes and young rock/hardcore lovers who would appear to be reckless and tend to go out most nights. The target audience being male or female as this covers a larger range of people and the music within the magazine is open to attract different genders and not separate people out. The age ranging from 18-25 so different generations can input their different experiences with the genre of music presented in the magazine. The magazines target audience shop at places like Rockaboom to find cheap cd’s and vinyl’s and search for new artists while looking online for more independent and upcoming artists on websites such as and This group of people look for rock artists and upcoming artists combined, making my magazine appeal to them as it allows them to do this via magazine instead, reading articles or interviews about them, helping to create a much wider opinion about the artists they’re looking at. A large amount of the target audience wear band tees, getting them from gigs they go to or online shops and skinny jeans which can be purchased from most retail clothing shops, while going for a less cleaner look and more messy appearance, not looking slick and perfect. They enjoy going to gigs and festivals such as Download and Reading festival, which ties in well with the genre of the magazine, it being rock and hardcore based. Artists who will appear in the magazine will wear similar clothes to this while presenting themselves in a comparable way also, therefore allowing the magazine audience to relate to the magazine and artists presented within it. My audience will relate to magazine of the same genre such as NME, RockSound and Kerrang, hearing of mainstream bands such as Green Day, Bring Me The Horizon, Enter Shikari, well know bands that will also be shown within my magazine but won’t be the main focus, used to help catch the audience’s attention. While the main focus will be on the new upcoming bands such as Turbowolf, Proxies, Hawk Eyes and more which have similar styles e.g instruments, genre, hobbies and clothes, helping the audience to know what their music style is if they can relate it to mainstream bands who are already well know. My audience will spend a lot of their time going to house parties or going out with mates most nights while going to occasional gigs and then festivals every year while still a young adult, also drinking and being know to go out and have a good time.
Evaluation 3 FINAL
Question 3.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
My magazine doesn’t have a specific institution, because it’s a handmade magazine the people who create the magazine will be their own institution, they will be their producers and organisers making the work needed in order to distribute it themselves. In order to produce and distribute it well the magazine will hire people who have experience in this, making sure the magazine has the best chance of being produced well so it appeals to the audience.
When hiring people to create the magazine I plan to gain people who offer experience in rock/hardcore magazines such as RockSound, NME and Kerrang, making sure the magazine is filled with the correct material and is presents the artists in the correct way in order for the magazine to compete with other magazines the contain the same genre. As it’s only a small handmade magazine it will be unlikely for it to be distributed to other countries as we wouldn’t be able to cover the expenses needed, making the magazines heavily distribution the UK, providing it with stronger connections to news agents and other retail stores within the country. Royale With Cheese aims to gain a growing audience because of its authentic and original look, creating something which represents an era of magazines which once looked like hand work and a large amount of skills and effort went into making it. The magazines target audience is young adults/teenagers, also providing interest to adults also, causing my institution to have large competition against other magazines with the same matching genre. It would also reach out to niche audiences which like the handmade handwritten style of magazines which provide it with the authentic look and appeal to a select group of people. Creating a website and groups on twitter and facebook will also help the institution in boosting a wider audience, helping us to gain more recognition.
Evaluation 1 FINAL
Question 1.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of music magazines)
Because the magazine style I chose was of a unique and dated style which you don’t see in shops anymore I had to do a lot of research into 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s homemade magazines, also looking at highly rated magazines that are popular with the public because although it’s a dated magazine the audience will still expect to see a magazine that relates to modern day magazines. Combining both to will create a modern yet old fashion handmade magazine. When doing my research into the magazines that covered the genres I wanted to cover I found that most of these used conventions, making the magazine look professional, promoting the look of their magazine in order to please their target audience.
When doing my research I looked at two different styles of magazines so I could combine both to create something original and different, I looked at magazines which you see in shows now such as Kerrang, NME and RockSound, but then looking at more dated magazines such as Sniffin’ Glue and Slice. I took inspiration from Slice, using their pizza face idea and incorporating it into my magazine, altering it to be burgers instead of pizza slices, also taking the stance of the models on the front cover and creating the same look with my models. I created badge style pictures for the front cover to produce the more rock appearance which covered the different rock genres within my magazine, giving the magazine more of an edge and fitted more with the handmade style.
When it came to the contents page and my double page spread, my main inspiration came from Kerrang, NME and RockSound, taking the most common colour scheme of Kerrang (red, black and white) and applying that to my magazine. Because my magazine was dull and grimy the colours consisted of black and white, then making key parts of the pages red, but keeping it with the grimy sense of the magazine and making the colour dim but still able to stand out. The layout idea of my contents page took inspiration from NME, filling over half the page with an image while using smaller images at the bottom and the actual contents list. For my double page spread most of the magazines I researched implied using the layout of a picture covering one side of the double page spread, possibly bleeding over, while the article or interview was laid out of the other half of the page. Although I got inspiration from modern magazines I still incorporated the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s handmade style into my magazine, using an old fashioned type witting font to give the handmade impression that it was only typed via the typewriter, also editing the pictures I used to give them and aged and grimy appearance, as if they were taken with an old camera and have ages over time.
I have challenged mainstream conventions through how my front cover has been laid out, not following the rules of where things are advised to be placed of the page. I chose to take this risk because I thought by challenging this I am presenting my magazine to standout from others, it’s not filled up with writing, I made it minimalistic so it looks neat and cleaner allowing the main focus to be the image which takes up the entire page and sets the mood of the magazine. This then catching the readers eye, showing them how different this magazine is from other music magazines, making them interested in what the contents of the magazine is as well.
I have challenged mainstream conventions through how my front cover has been laid out, not following the rules of where things are advised to be placed of the page. I chose to take this risk because I thought by challenging this I am presenting my magazine to standout from others, it’s not filled up with writing, I made it minimalistic so it looks neat and cleaner allowing the main focus to be the image which takes up the entire page and sets the mood of the magazine. This then catching the readers eye, showing them how different this magazine is from other music magazines, making them interested in what the contents of the magazine is as well.
It was very important for me to do a lot of research into the magazines which reflected a similar genre to what I wanted to present in my magazine, what I found influenced my magazine largely as I used ideas which I might not have thought of to create the dated magazine I wanted. They affected my decisions because when analysing other magazines you relate to why they used certain conventions in order to gain their target audience and promote their magazine.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
I plan to finish the question 6 evaluation and start presenting another question in a proffesional way
Friday, 22 March 2013
Evaluation 7 DRAFT
7. Looking back at
your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have
learnt in the progression from it to full product?
have learnt that when it comes to taking photo's it's not a simple 5 minute
task, when comparing photos from my preliminary work and final magazine you
will see the difference when it comes to the time taken in editing them. I
didn't want my images to seem plain in my magazine like in my preliminary work,
or like some actually music magazines, I wanted to give my images more of an
edge, which i feel i have achieved. I went from just cutting the image out for
my preliminary work to going into a large amount of detail when it came to
editing my music magazine pictures, using the internet to help me find a step
by step which would help me create an aged look for my pictures using
photoshop. I also presented my models in the correct clothing for my music
magazine, having them wear skinny jeans with band tees and denim jackets to
create an upcoming rock artist look, whereas with my preliminary work I didn't
take much notice of his clothes and just focused more on the pose to help
present a cool laid back look for the type of article he would appear in. This
has taught me that costume is the most important thing when it comes to presenting
your magazine. My target audience might ignore the magazine if they believe it
to connect to a different genre and not what they enjoy.
Evaluation 6 DRAFT
6. What have you
learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I improved skills on editing photos to make them appear dated and old giving an
them an authentic look, with the a step by step guide found on the internet ( I have become better when it comes
to cropping out images without missing parts of that image, while also fading
the outline of the image stopping it from looking so crisp and more blurred
with the page.
(twitter, picture aging step by step) - twitter helpined when asking questions
and advice to present magazine companies in order to get realistic feedback.
The photo aging step by step helped my to create the look I wanted for my
magazine, it being old and dated and linking with the 1970', 80's and 90's
style handmade magazine.
- This was completely new to me and help me to present my pitch profesionally,
showing the audience my magazine plan while giving them a taster of the type of
music my magazine will contain. It has taught me another way of presenting my
ideas in a more fun way instead of a dull and boring slide show.
- I learnt that taking suitable photo's was a lot hard than it seemed. You have
to make sure theres no shadow on or behind the model, have them wear clothes
that reflect your magazine and try and find someone photogenic and able to have
natural looking photo's of them without them looking awkward. But when all of
these are pulled of you receive a great outcome.
Evaluation 5 DRAFT
5. How did you
attract/address your audience?
I attracted the
target audience of my magazine by using a range of techniques presented on each
of the pages. It is crucial for the front cover to appeal to the reader, it
being the first thing they will see of the magazine, making sure it draws the
audience in. I concentrated on making the main image on my front cover appeal
to the audience, making the image appear grimy, tattered and messy, reflecting
the rock/hardcore genre of the magazine. I also created small badges to place
on the magazine cover in order for the audience to relate to it and understand
what the magazine is offering, deciding whether the artists presented on the
cover suit the genre they enjoy by the way they portray themselves via the
badge. Instead of using a barcode I chose to use a 1990’s
style hand written sticker price, giving it an authentic look, reflecting the
style of the magazine – handmade, also
relating to the style of music – upcoming artists, as
a handmade style magazine is quite new for this era just like upcoming artists are
new in the music industry. The essential selling point is the images of new
artist, portraying the genre of magazine I am aiming for. The burger faces
create a sense of mystery, drawing the audience in and making them interested
in knowing who they are and what they themselves and their music is like. By
not putting any headers to hint at who they are expands the mystery even more,
making the audience what to look through the magazine and read about them.
The contents page is split into two half’s with 3 columns on the bottom half of the page, making the page feel more laid back as it’s not packed with lots of writing looking busy and is spaced out reasonably. This then reflects the target audience, them being laid back also and not particularly keen on reading a heavy amount of text, they want something more casual. The small images used on the bottom half of the page appeal to the audience as they also reflect the laid back sense of the page and magazine, the models showing weird poses in order to make the magazine appear more relaxed and fun. The image on the top half of the page represents the main story within the magazine, drawing the most attention from the audience while still creating mystery within the picture. Providing no heading, still leaving them clueless about the artist and want to know more, then making the page number for the main story stand out attracting the audience and persuading them to go and read about them so the mystery is finally solved.
The double page spread represent the audience via the fonts and colours used, them being dull and dark, reflecting the rock/hardcore genre with some text in bolder colours in order to make key information stand out. The header relates to the artist as it’s distorted and looks fuzzy, reflecting the artist as their music isn’t clean, it is also distorted and electronic sounds break the rhythm and flow of it. The page persuades the read to read on as key parts are made clear such as the quote from the band, relating the audience to the artist as what they say might reflect and what the reader is like, giving the reader the feel that they can relate to the artist.
The contents page is split into two half’s with 3 columns on the bottom half of the page, making the page feel more laid back as it’s not packed with lots of writing looking busy and is spaced out reasonably. This then reflects the target audience, them being laid back also and not particularly keen on reading a heavy amount of text, they want something more casual. The small images used on the bottom half of the page appeal to the audience as they also reflect the laid back sense of the page and magazine, the models showing weird poses in order to make the magazine appear more relaxed and fun. The image on the top half of the page represents the main story within the magazine, drawing the most attention from the audience while still creating mystery within the picture. Providing no heading, still leaving them clueless about the artist and want to know more, then making the page number for the main story stand out attracting the audience and persuading them to go and read about them so the mystery is finally solved.
The double page spread represent the audience via the fonts and colours used, them being dull and dark, reflecting the rock/hardcore genre with some text in bolder colours in order to make key information stand out. The header relates to the artist as it’s distorted and looks fuzzy, reflecting the artist as their music isn’t clean, it is also distorted and electronic sounds break the rhythm and flow of it. The page persuades the read to read on as key parts are made clear such as the quote from the band, relating the audience to the artist as what they say might reflect and what the reader is like, giving the reader the feel that they can relate to the artist.
Evaluation 4 DRAFT
4. Who would be the
audience for your media product?
My magazine audience
would aim mainly at gig goes and young rock/hardcore lovers who would appear to
be reckless and tend to go out most nights. The magazines target audience shop
at places like Rockaboom to find cheap
cd’s and vinyl’s
and search for new artists while looking online for more independent and
upcoming artists on websites such as and This group of
people look for rock artists and upcoming artists combined, making my magazine
appeal to them as it allows them to do this via magazine instead, reading
articles or interviews about them, helping to create a much wider opinion about
the artists they’re looking at. A
large amount of the target audience wear band tees, getting them from gigs they
go to or online shops and skinny jeans which can be purchased from most retail
clothing shops, while going for a less cleaner look and more messy appearance,
not looking slick and perfect. They enjoy going to gigs and festivals such as
Download and Reading festival, which ties in well with the genre of the
magazine, it being rock and hardcore based. Artists who will appear in the
magazine will wear similar clothes to this while presenting themselves in a
comparable way also, therefore allowing the magazine audience to relate to the
magazine and artists presented within it. My audience will relate to magazine
of the same genre such as NME, RockSound and Kerrang, hearing of mainstream
bands such as Green Day, Bring Me The Horizon, Enter Shikari, well know bands
that will also be shown within my magazine but won’t
be the main focus, used to help catch the audience’s
attention. While the main focus will be on the new upcoming bands such as
Turbowolf, Proxies, Hawk Eyes and more which have similar styles e.g
instruments, genre, hobbies and clothes, helping the audience to know what
their music style is if they can relate it to mainstream bands who are already
well know. My audience will spend a lot of their time going to house parties or
going out with mates most nights while going to occasional gigs and then
festivals every year while still a young adult, also drinking and being know to
go out and have a good time.
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