Friday, 22 March 2013

Evaluation 6 DRAFT

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop I improved skills on editing photos to make them appear dated and old giving an them an authentic look, with the a step by step guide found on the internet ( I have become better when it comes to cropping out images without missing parts of that image, while also fading the outline of the image stopping it from looking so crisp and more blurred with the page.

Internet (twitter, picture aging step by step) - twitter helpined when asking questions and advice to present magazine companies in order to get realistic feedback. The photo aging step by step helped my to create the look I wanted for my magazine, it being old and dated and linking with the 1970', 80's and 90's style handmade magazine.

Animot - This was completely new to me and help me to present my pitch profesionally, showing the audience my magazine plan while giving them a taster of the type of music my magazine will contain. It has taught me another way of presenting my ideas in a more fun way instead of a dull and boring slide show.

Cameras - I learnt that taking suitable photo's was a lot hard than it seemed. You have to make sure theres no shadow on or behind the model, have them wear clothes that reflect your magazine and try and find someone photogenic and able to have natural looking photo's of them without them looking awkward. But when all of these are pulled of you receive a great outcome.

1 comment:

  1. You have answered the question well in terms of what you have actually learnt - now you need to provide lots more examples e.g. pc/mac, blogger to present your work, facebook, uk tribes website - be more specific about how these different technologies helped you.
